Ceasars Palace, my immensely talented jam band from Bangalore did three gigs in Bombay recently. It was big, no huge, for us. Cuz we're just about one and a half years old, and we were called there by the organisers. Hats off to Kishan Balaji Maharaj for doing his smooth talk and getting the gigs. Anyhow. The train journey was majorly uneventful except for the ahem....a eunuch who came and felt my thigh nicely...and i was wearing shorts....ya so...that was it. Anyhow.
We got there and split to out staying locales. Me and Unni were at this amazing guest house which was organised courtesy Uttara, Aunty, and Uncle. Words are not enough to thank this family and how much they love our band. I wonder why. Unnamed feelings. So. It was crazily humid and beer was required every moment. We got their on the day of the performance at Hard Rock Cafe. Me and Unni had to get their after having couple of beers and picking up instruments from Furtado's and Co.(feat. Demonstealer.thanks so much man). Still we find that the rest of the band is late. HRC is a fantastic place and it took a few moments for the feeling to sink in. So while me and unni looked around, stargazing, the manager came up and said-'Boys, the firang is here, from hardrock international, so do your soundcheck soon'. Hehe. I got down to setting my rig up. Took some time because the sound was quite fabulous and we aint used to that. Boys reached very late and by six thirty we were done with the check. Pretty satisfactory. Hats of to the sound guys at bombay. We need to learn how to behave from you guys. Afterwards we hogged on some awesome helpings of awesome free food and one drink each. We were on stage by 93opm and we started off with Wolchod to keep with our funk/soul tag. Crowd took some time to warm up, but by the middle of the set, courtesy some nice playing, a guitar vocal rendition of jeremy, and a drum solo, the crowd seemed to like us. That was the only sad part. They like only covers. I mean bombay out of all the places. Anyway we gave em some Deep Purple, Hendrix, Roadhouse BLues and some other shit to keep em happy. I would say it was a decent show considering its our first time in bombay we got a good response. Happiness. As we clinked our glasses together after the show it was already around one thirty. Demonstealer, Rahul and the boys were there to support us at it felt great. Thanks a lot guys. A certain ahem...manager was missing. Anyway. Put our content heads down for the day at 2 pm. Woke up pretty late the next day and immediately left to colaba to guzzle some beer at Leopold's cafe. Then woke around to the gateway and then rushed back to the guest house cuz it was too hot and we needed to get dressed for the gig. The boys were getting the stuff from furtados today. Late again. Very late. Anyway the gig was a casual unplugged drunk gig where us and the crowd everyone had fun. The place sucked quite a bit, not to my taste. Anyway the show was good, kishan and unni were drunk. Fun. Got back even later this day. The next day was JazzByTheBay, A place all of us have heard about, a place out of which we were expecting a lot. But it was the worst. I dont think anyone goes to jazz anymore. Cuz it was full of floating crowd which kept coming in an out. Plus they had a stupid clause that any band that plays MUST play three hours no matter what. Doesnt work. Anyway. The sound was best here and so was the crowd response but sadly people had lot os things to do so they kept shuffling in and out. Nevertheless it was nice cuz we were really tight. There were some later arguments over drinks etc. Who cares. Never playing there again i guess. They dont know how to respect bands sadly. Nevertheless it was a good fun trip being the first out station trip of the band. From jazz to the airport and back. Bangalore. We love you.