Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blues For The Common Man

This is the last song is wrote for the band. We played it once. The first and the last time. 
' Its an early wake up
  Twelve in the noon
  I look around i gotta heat my brew I've had
  Enough of this kinda life
  I've gotta start something new.
  Yeah i'm the wasted kind
  Well thats the common view '
' No time for lovin'  There's no
  Room for 2
  My time ain't comin'
  Any time soon I got
  JUST what i want
  And she knows its true
  Im the wasted kind, 
  Thats the common view '
Everyone takes turns to solo. And then head to double time in blues kinda like the SRV tunes.
 ' Take it slow.
   Take it slow.
   Comeon Take it slow.
   TAKE IT SLOW!!!!!
  Just one phone call 
  It takes thats all
  To take me back into the wretched 
  NEED....i dont like speed
  Take it slow
  Yes im the wasted kind.
  Thats the common view '
Thank you guys. For playing my stuff.

The End

FUCK! I cant believe its been more than 6 months since i wrote. I have been writing though here and there.....few songs, memories and thoughts. Anyway, now i have the time. Just read my last post and its been just too long. Worked on 6 WSR jingles after that plus the usual AV stuff plus also finalised on many other projects. Sent in my music applications as well. Which was quite a load off. Now i need to work on my next audition. Damn.....where's my guitar. Well, Its been quite disappointing lately with the band not being around to jam. Its a jam band after all. So we got this big gig last weekend and i realised that should be it. For me especially it was a very easy and a very difficult decision. The band had a potentially unmatched sound. You might take me for a childish enthusiast but thats what it was. Because of this sound, i was forced to write for this format and hence i wrote some god songs....all of which we played for this last gig. Almost all. Writing those songs and finally sitting down to play jam them wit the band was an awesome feeling. But i think only i felt it. Everyone seemed into it. But maybe i was a fool. Maybe they did not see it coming. MAYBE! JUSt maybe. I was too cool. HAHA. Anyhow i took it upon myself to call it off and i think its right. I cant live in this fake realty of a perfect band which is not there. Good times. Fabulous times. Crazy times. But its times like these we learn to live again. Hey, isn't that a line from a Dave Grohl song? Sheesh how original. Where s my guitar god? Cuz i see a reunion coming.