I had written this long back when i was still under the high of watching this band perform. Here it is:
Well, all those musician and self proclaimed institutionalised gods of the Indian independent scene can do just that-take a hike. I really do not know what it was yesterday. I have seen so many bands play on stage, and very few have been able to blow my head of with their sound. Avial was not one of those few bands. It was far ahead of those bands. I have heard their demos on myspace etc but kinda had that Indian musician intution that this was not gonna be as good. That all our hopes would be slashed and put down. That the band would suck. I think i saw four songs by Avial that day and, despite the vocalist having left the band and the turntablist filling in, a drummer who we were hearing for the first time as the drums on the recording are all programmed; these guys were just effortlessly amazing. Someone told me that they have bee ONLY working on this project since the last 5-6 years. I think thats nothing if you can produce work like this at the end of the day. Now, back in Bangalore, the cd plays atleast twice a day in my home and every time i listen to it in a kinda of a dilemma between pride and awe just because of the fact that its an Indian production.
Congrats and thanks guys.
dont stop.