Well from dreams i would move on to something thats so real yet so beautiful that even the most beautiful dream loses hands down. Creation. Yesterday i took a flight from Bangalore to Delhi(both in India) and sometime before we were going to land in Delhi i was awaken by the air hostess for something after which i did not get sleep. It was an early morning flight of two and a half hours out of which one had already been hibernated to. At this time i could not go back to sleep so i started staring out of the window as there was nothing else to stare at. The air hostesses were so-so, the guy sitting at the aisle was rocking some Michael Jackson on his I-pod and thrusting his neck to the beat while we ate breakfast, plus i was not in a mood to get back into my book as it is a very deep one and needs me to think crazy. The sun was out....we were flying between the first and second layer of clouds of the atmosphere. I think we had crossed Hyderabad sometime back. Then i spotted something really beautiful. It was a serpentine form of blue going through infinite patches of fields which is so characteristic of our country. Ah! it was the most beautiful river i had seen in my life. There was nothing else around it and it occaisionally visited some towns and villages which it liked. The distributaries branched out from the big mother river and took their own paths. The fact that i was watching it from such a great height at such slow motion added to its splendour. I tried to follow the river till as far as i could but could not follow it too far as it never ended. It was a grand river. It was a grand creation. It was a grand thought. Plus another awesome sight was the horizon. I wish i could see such a horizon everyday of my life. To inspire me to do something new, to discover whats on the other side. Never mind i guess ill have to take one morning flight everyday for that. Anyhow it was one of the most fascinating things i have done one my life-looking out of the window of an aeroplane and i was glad i didnt carry my music else i would not have done so. Thank you god for creating such marvels which show us mortals who we are and bring our heads down to where they should be. Wish i could fly. Like Superman. Hup Hup and AWAY!!!!