Yesterday i did something which i had done nine years ago. Cremated my grandparent. Yes, babaji passed away on early saturday morning(21st April). He was sick for the last couple of weeks but thats it. We all thought he will recover and will be back in action but he evidently had other plans. Well this had to happen some day and there is only happiness we can take away from here. Hapiness because he went in peace, without a sound. Because his last few days looked like his good times, mentally. He bonded with his son finally. His son did the same to some extent. All the ceremonies have ended succesfully(i think). Im not sad that i could'nt get to see him. Thats because he was never like that. Making a fuss over small things like this was'nt his way. Im sad that i could'nt help mummy and papa out in the last days when it was needed. But maybe that was planned as well from above. Anyway, its all been so perfect(touchwood) that i dont feel the sting on the 5th day of the demise. He went so happily that it feels like he's still sitting around here somewhere and sub-conciously one waits for his voice to cut through the crowd. I can see him catching up with old friends, dadi and all the innumerable relatives he would have missed during his life after they left him. He looks happy, just like he does in this picture of his that we have put in the drawing room, just like i thought. Cant write much more now cuz the mind is flooded with emotions or lack of them, dont know which. Bye Bye Babaji, JaiRamJiKi.
Would love to come and see you somewhere where u are and share your happiness with you.